About Fueled
Fueled is a fast growing company that offers development of award winning applications. Our expertise is not limited with it, because the company develops modern and functional sites with perfect usability. Our projects are nor ordinary. We start working on the most challenging projects to achieve the best customer satisfaction. Our team of leaders is passionate to develop good applications for small and bigger businesses. Such approach makes us powerful provider of applications.
Fueled Services
- Web design
- Development of Web Applications
- Ecommerce development
- Development of Mobile Applications
- UX and UI Design
- SEO services
Fueled Development Process
- When we are inspired by good idea we discuss it with our client and plan the whole development process. Our special team writes the product documentation.
- The following task for us is to build the wireframes. Good sketches are important for making application architecture.
- Then our designers create icons and graphics. At this part of development lifecycle application gets its future appearance.
- When design is ready our programmers begin to write code and make the application function. This is a long and responsible process.
- Every new application can have bugs. This is responsibility of our quality assurance department. Testers in Fueled are dedicated people, who able to find errors in the application.
- When all bugs are detected our programmers begin fixing them. It is vital to remove all errors at this stage.
- As soon as the application is ready we can add it to the Apple store. From that moment client can start earning money.
Building Strategy and Choosing Concept
Fueled is a house of creative projects. We can realize even the most challenging projects. First of all we want to hear your idea and analyze it. You will also know how we see the concept. Fueled creative team can build the strategy, considering the customer’s goals. Our business plan is the first step to successful application development.
This process involves both the client and our professionals. The client’s role is to explain us demands to the final product and outline the primary concept. Then using our skills and knowledge in mobile/web application development, we move from your initial idea to real product.
We discuss our strategy with the client and in case of positive answer we improve all other details. The most interesting thing is that the strategy planning can take several minutes, wireframing can take several hours and coding can take weeks or even months.
Deliverable: Product Documentation
Product documentation is like a passport for a person. Using the feature set you will be able to check how the application functions. Designers use product documentation to create graphics, developers use it to write the code. The feature set unites all team members.
Brand and Design
The majority of our applications are featured in the Apple store. This is not coincidence; this is result of a hard working process. We consider that the application design is as important as its functionality. Owing to unusual and creative design users will notice your application.
We have many designers but all of them are united by one aim – to make perfect application design. Different professionals create multiple icons, logos, buttons, screens but when our clients see the ready application they have a feeling that one person has designed it.
Surely, functions and features should work, it goes without saying, but only design can make the first impression on users. If people like the application design, it is very likely that they will like the rest. Our designers can illustrate any idea and create perfect application layout.
App Development and Release
Development process consists of many parts. Usually developers begin with viewing the app architecture. Fueled lead architects and developers work jointly to analyze the development process.
Our project manager evaluates and controls every part of the product development, assigning the most skilled developers for various tasks. In general the development process can be really long, so we subdivide it into two weeks periods. Clients can see the results every two weeks.
Owing to such open approach we allow clients to participate in the development process with our team, minimizing various unwanted “surprises” in the day of release. The ready application is launched in Apple store and it starts its life. We check presence of your application in the store, because Apple store acceptance process is also not easy.
When you application is in Apple store, it is just part of the process. Then it needs quality promotion push to be noticed by millions of users. Fueled can satisfy clients even when it comes about marketing strategy.
Quality Support
While developers are busy with coding, we discuss with clients further marketing opportunities. We gathered professional team of marketers. They will explain you what things are necessary, for example demo video, press release and so on.
Top Apple Store List
We know everything about Apple store algorithm. In other words we will try all our methods to make your application featured in Apple Store.
There are different maintenance packages. So we offer our help even when the application is loaded in the Apple store. It can be regular check-up, new versions release or adding new features.
We can train your team to use the application. If this is interesting for you, we can apply the same training methods as we do for our employees.
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